NLP Sample Code

NLP LDA, TF/IDF… Read more


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Data Science and the Prediction of Homes Prices in Ames, Iowa

Date: September 2016– December 2016
Northwestern University Academic Research Project that created models to predict the value of homes in Ames, Iowa based on variables that represented physical characteristics of the…

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Data Science and the Application of Business Leadership in Technology

Date: September, 2016– December, 2016

Northwestern University academic research project that identified 3 major analytic challenges that posed threats to the success of fictional business, Information Systems, Inc. (ISI).
1. Impending need…

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Thesis Abstract: Misclassified Sentiment in High Frequency Trading

News analytics systems making sentiment misclassifications that drive high-frequency trading (HFT) systems is a topic of international importance according to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Wharton… Read more

News analytics systems making sentiment misclassifications that drive high-frequency trading (HFT) systems is a topic of international importance according to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Wharton…

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New Orleans open data

New Orleans open data

Enterprise Data Visualizations

Enterprise Data Visualizations